Group Members
Principal Investigator
Minjung Son
David R. Dalton CD Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Affiliate, Division of Materials Science & Engineering
Member, BU Photonics Center
Postdoc, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (2020–2023)
Ph.D., Chemistry, MIT (2020)
M.S., Chemistry, Yonsei University (2015)
B.S., Chemistry, Yonsei University (2013)
Postdoctoral Scholars
Shaina Dhamija
Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (2023–2024)
Ph.D., Chemistry, IISER Mohali (2022)
Lilia Kinziabulatova
Ph.D., Chemistry, Ohio State University (2024)
Graduate Students
Rebecca Gracia (G1)
B.S., Chemistry, Stonehill College (2024)
Seongje Park (G1)
B.S., Chemistry, Univ. of Southern California (2023)
We are always on the lookout for motivated graduate students!
Interested? See here for more information.
Undergraduate Researchers
Hyeonhu (Daniel) Ju
Chemistry & Physics ’28
Tyler Williams
Chemistry & Physics ’27
UROP Scholar
Are you an undergrad student interested in doing research in the group?
See here for more information.
Christopher Kretschman, UROP Scholar (Spring 2024–Fall 2024)
Julien Gonzalez-Palavicini, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2024)
Gabriel Russo, UROP Scholar (Fall 2023–Summer 2024)
Eunhee Char, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2023–Spring 2024)
Matthew Eskritt, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2023)